The Detail in Interior Design by Erich Keller

Details created with skillful craftsmanship make a noticeable difference when it comes to the highest quality of life in inspiring spaces. Because great things are only created by those who pay special attention to the smallest of details.

Of course, beauty is always a matter of opinion. But experience shows that only what has been well planned and carefully crafted from the outset can be truly beautiful and give pleasure for a long time. The consequent attention to detail in combination with sophisticated constructions is often only visible at second glance. Dieter Rams – probably the best-known German industrial designer of the modern era – already stated in his theses that timeless design is unobtrusive. But this design keeps its promise and does not try to present itself as more than it actually is.

Exclusive processing of wood, metal, glass, stone, leather and plastics is as much a part of everyday work at Erich Keller AG as the careful assembly of different building elements. The texture of the surface – rough or polished, for example – in turn determines the feel. Grasping and understanding make different qualities tangible. In this way, the smallest of details are reflected in the bigger picture.

If these principles are taken to heart during planning and production, the result is interiors and furniture that are long-lasting and outlast the various fashions. With a responsible and respectful approach to form and function as well as with selected materials, resources are conserved, and a contribution is made to the preservation of the environment.

At Erich Keller AG, every interior design is a new challenge. A unique piece reliably and economically manufactured. It takes more than just craftsmanship, skill and technical knowledge. It requires a keen eye for form and function, empathy, but also experience and commitment to the exact execution of details. This is what creates interiors of lasting value that are as individual as the people who live and work in them. Those who pay attention to detail from the very beginning fulfil every customer wish in perfect form.

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